In the past some events of the Knighthood World were cancelled without “Early Warning”. These “Too Late to React” incoming information left us with financial damages due to unrefundable flight tickets, hotel bookings, car rentals, etc.
In consequence, our Order will not longer consider participating to any event until it received an Official Invitation. In addition, this Invitation must reach us "In due time”, being it by Email or by regular Postal services, confirming that the event will indeed take place as planned.
By “In due Time” we understand :
For Inland Events : at least 3 Weeks before the event.
For European Events : and/or Worldwide Events at least 7 Weeks before the event.
To avoid rumours and misinterpretations
all Invitations, to participate at any Knighthood event,
must be emitted officially from the Inviting authority of the Order and addressed, under penalty of nullity, to either :
Frater Robert :
Frater Heiko : Bels-Perleberg@t-online
Frater Herbert :
IN RED = LATE ARRIVAL. Here we have a collision of 2 or more events on the same day.
To a LATE ARRIVAL event, the Ordo Balliolensis will have difficulties to send a delegation. In this case, organisators should not blame us, for they have been informed long in advance, on our "Attending Priorities" system based on "First come, First served" !
ATTENTION. Orders informing us about their events, MUST give us the EXACT DATE of the event. Places of the occurrences are only of secondary importance ! No incoming priorities without precise dates * !
* Exception: Orders organising their events yearly at about the same time, are automatically reported and ranked with the Highest Priority.
In consequence, other Orders must choose another date or be confronted with a minimum participation from our Order or no participation at all !
CF = Chevaliers de France
CCC-GdP = Confederation Cavalieri Crociati Intern. Assisi-Malta Jerusalem
DRStG = Deutscher Ritterorden St Georg
OB = Ordo Balliolensis
OESSM = Ordre Equestre du St Sauveur de Mont-Réal
OHEA = Orden des Heiligen Erlösers in Aragon
OSBVL = Orden der Schwertbrüder von Livland
OSMTH = Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolimitani. (International)
OSRVL = Orden der Schwertritter von Livland
OStS = Ordre de St Stanislas
ORSuF = Orden (Fraternity) der Ritter vom Stern und der Freundschaft.
Normal Text : Planned
Probable Presence of the Magister Supremus
Presence of the Magister Supremus Confirmed
Presence of a Magisterial Councelor
In red : Lower Priority.
Please note that Yearly events,
occurring since years at about the same time,
are automatically reported and ranked as High Priority. Those are :
OSMTH : in March. Every year.
Ordo Balliolensis : in May. Every two or three years.
Chevaliers de France : in October. Every one or two years.
Ordre de St Stanislas : in October or in November. Upon notification.
For security reasons, the Ordo Balliolensis will not longer indicate, in its Calendar, the places of events to come.
Normal Text : Planned
Probable Presence of the Magister Supremus
Presence of the Magister Supremus Confirmed
Presence of a Magisterial Councelor
In red : Lower Priority.
2-3 Investiture OSMTH. Italy
22,23,24 Investiture & Commemoration Fra. JDM. OSMTH. France
2-4 Passage to Squire. Ordo Balliolensis. Belgium
9-11 Investiture OStS. Poland
16-18 Investiture OSMTH. Belgium
Convent Mondial OSMTH
18 Investiture CF. France.
ORsUF. Come together. Germany