of the Traditional Chivalry Orders - URBI et ORBI.
Please note that our Brother Fra. Heiko Bels, Sire de La Croix, has, by the Ordonnance Magistrale OM 41, dated 5 August 2017,
the Title, Rank, Functions and Prerogatives of a GRAND PRIOR.
It is as such authority that Fra. Heiko will represent our Order.
Our Embassy is as of September 6, 2013 "non-active" !
All correspondence formerly addressed to the Diplomatic Mission must be, until further notice, transferred to the Magister Supremus : Frater Robert Adelsohn Bels at robertbels347@gmail.com.
As there is no Ambassador ad Interim, our Diplomatic Mission will be under the responsibility of the Magister Supremus Ordinis Balliolensis.
The diplomatic services now function only on a slow and restricted basis and many of its functions are no longer carried out.
Our Order opened as of 1 July 2019, a General Consulate in Belgium.
- The Grand Master
- The Ambassador
To them applies the Diplomatic Immunity and International Conventions on Diplomats and Diplomatic Missions. (Convention de Vienne (A) du 18/4/1961 sur les relations diplomatiques).
"... Depuis les événements du 11 Sept 2001, aux Etats-Unis d´Amérique, sous sa pression et intérêts et sous la pression et intérêts de certains Etats pairs, cette Convention a perdu beaucoup de sa valeur. Icelle Convention peut être, aujourd´hui, considérée comme un vestige, parmi d´autres, d´un temps où la démocratie possédait encore quelques lettres de créances...."
Conclusion: We have no illusions about the real value attributed today to this Convention and even less about its practical applications, but let us nevertheless continue to apply it, as it is, as a guarantor of Human Dignity, following the example of Politeness and Good Manners, in the World of Traditional Chivalry which is ours!
This phraseology is in no way subversive. It makes us aware of a "state of affairs" which concerns the whole of humanity..." Televote CM 245.
The Master of Ceremonies is assigned a Protocol Officer. The latter has no diplomatic function.
To the attention of the Officers of Protocol
We believe that we have the right to expect from our guests the same respect and consideration for our Grand Master, our Ambassador, our Grand Priors and Princes of the Order that the Ordo Balliolensis presents with the greatest care to the authorities of other Orders and/or Grand Priories.
The Hymn of the Ordo Balliolensis will be played in the same way as the national Hymns of other Orders or Grand Priories during ceremonies of an international character. Likewise, the flag of the Ordo Balliolensis will open the march and will be presented in the same manner as the national flags of other international Orders or Grand Priories..." Televote CM 397.
Partial excerpt of the Statutory Document of the Ordo Balliolensis.
Some Orders, more than others, have the unfortunate reputation of having to deal with recurring internal quarrels, instead of directing all their energy towards the aims and purposes of true Knighthood. In some cases, the virulence and slanderous comments are posted on the Internet for the whole world to see. Needless to say, this attitude, so common and understandable for the average public, is totally unacceptable in the world of Traditional Knighthood. Chivalry is, and must remain, an institution reserved for the elite.
For the Ordo Balliolensis, a Knight armed according to Tradition remains a Knight for life. He will remain a Knight even after leaving the Order to which he was affiliated; whether he has left of his own free will or has been dismissed.
He then becomes an "Errant Knight". This "Errant Knight" - may - nevertheless be invited to take part in an event in the world of Traditional Knighthood, by any Order of Traditional Knighthood. As the inviting Order is sovereign, it is not accountable to any other institution.
Nor is it up to our Protocol Department to question such an "Errant Knight Chevalier errant" if, in honouring an invitation, he should appear wearing the attributes of the Order to which he no longer belongs. A "Fraternal Remark" will be made to him, but the final decision as to whether or not to comply rests with the interested party himself. It is up to him to judge, in all conscience, whether his attitude is in accordance with the Chivalric Ideal and spirit, and with the expectations of his Brothers and Sisters in Arms, who wish to see him respect the rules, habits and customs, for the greater good of Chivalry as an elite institution.
The protocol request to address dignitaries
of Knight Orders as follow :
- A Grand Master of a Knight Order created during the Crusades Verbal :Monseigneur. (Mgr.) or Mon Prince.
In Text : Son Altesse Sérénissime (SAS) or
His Serene Highness (HSH).
- A Grand Master. Verbal :Monseigneur. (Mgr.) or Mon Prince.
In Text : Magister Supremus (Mgr.) or Grand Maitre.
- A Grand Commandeur, Verbal : Monseigneur.
In Text : Grand Commandeur (for the Chevaliers de France).
- A Magisterial Advisor, Verbal and text : His Excellency (H.E) or Son Excellence (S.E). Are in Dynastic Knight Orders, part of the Order's principality.
- An Ambassador, Legat Magistral or a Grand Prior :
Verbal and text : His Excellency (H.E) or Son Excellence (S.E).
- A Consul or another Dignitary : His Exceĺlency (H.E), as above.
- A Knight : Messire Chevalier. The appelation is a "Titel".
- A Squire and a Postulant : Gentilhomme - Gentedame.
The appelation "Squire" is a "Rank".
The appelation "Postulant" is a "Grade".
These addresses are only applicable in the world of the Traditional Chivalry. As our Order will never fail to respect these procedures, it is entitled to claim compliance with the provision by other Orders !
For any questions, please feel free to contact our DIPLOMATIC MISSION.
Our Diplomatic Mission, through its translation Office, will answer any in-coming correspondence written in English - French - German - Russian - Spanish and Dutch.