The author presenting, August 8th 2014, a draft of his Essay on the Bels-Belle (Balliol) Dynasty to Prof. Roger Mason, Head of the Survey on "Scotland and the Flemish People" , launched by the Institute of Scottish Historical Research at the University of St Andrews (Scotland). 

1.  BAYLEY F. The BAILLEUL of Flanders. Ed. Spottiswoode. London.1881.


2. Bell James Elton and Frances Jean , “The Amon Bell Family, before and after 200 years (1600–2000)”, 1120 pgs. Two volumes, first edition,

Published by Bell Book Bank, Ltd., Tucson, AZ, Hardcover, Copyright © 2001, Out of Print

International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1494258368

International Standard Book Number-10:149-4258366

Certificate of Registration, TXu1-312-677, 2006; Works registered and documents recorded by the U.S. Copyright Office since January 1, 1978.


3. Bell James Elton  and Frances Jean , “Sir Robert Bell and his Early Virginia Colony  Descendants …..” ,  first edition,

Published by Wheatmark™, Softcover, Copyright © 2006, Out of Print

International Standard Book Number-10: 1-58736-747-5

International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-58736-747-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2006937759 revision CPublished by  Wheatmark™, 208 pgs., Softcover, Copyright © 2008, Available at, books


4. Bell James Elton, Knight Ordinis Balliolensis, FSA Scot and lady Frances Jean Bell“Bell Roots”first edition,

Published by Bell Book Bank, Ltd. at CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston, SC630 pgs., Softcover, Copyright © 2012, Out of Print

International Standard Book Number-13:978-1475285963

International Standard Book Number 10:147-5285965

Library of Congress Control Number: 2013921964

revision A, Published by Bell Book Bank Ltd. at CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston, SC, Softcover, Copyright © 2014,  Available at, books


5. Bell James Elton, Knight Ordinis Balliolensis, FSA Scot. “One-hundred-twenty-five Bell Families Contribute to History“385 pgs., first edition, 

Published by Bell Book Bank, Ltd. at CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, North Charleston, SC, Softcover, Copyright © 2016,  Available at, books

International Standard Book Number-13:978-1530270941

International Standard Book Number 10:1530270944

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016903806


6. BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Essai sur l'Origine des Patronymes BAILLEUL-BELLE-BELS et Variantes. (Version 1). Edition auteur. 1996. Dépôt Légal à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. D/BB B 1996 3.012/8940/Robert Adelsohn BELS/Auteur/Editeur.Ouvrage Scientifique. (Essai Histo­rique). Sold out !


7.  BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Généalogie Agnatique de la Maison des BELS et Variantes. Edition auteur.1996. Dépôt Légal à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. D/BB B 1996 3178/9432/Robert Adelsohn BELS/Auteur/Editeur. Ouvrage Scientifi­que. (Historique). Sold out !        


8.  BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Seigneur et Chevalier (Version intégrale) Edition auteur.1996. Dépôt Légal à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. BB A 1997 1917/N° DB 877249/Robert Adelsohn BELS/Auteur/Editeur. Ouvrage Scientifique. (Historique).  Sold out !


Note : A new version of this book is out as of end 2020.

Foreword of Monsignore Fra. Jean Roland Maroteaux. Commandeur Général des Chevaliers de France.

HE. Fra. Herbert Class, General Consul of the Ordo Balliolensis, in Belgium, translated the book in German, December 2023.

HE. Fra. Herbert Class, General Consul of the Ordo Balliolensis, in Belgium, also reworked the translation of the book, in Dutch, July 2024. A translation tentative of the book was done as soon as the year 2000, by HE. dom Alfonsius Morret de Wilsele. Sire de Beauchamp.


Note : New versions of this book, in French and in German, have been deposited in the Archives du Royaume de Belgique (Bibliothèque Royale), in Brussels, on Thrursday 30th May 2024.


9.  BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Chartrier N° 1 de l'Ordre de BAILLEUL (Ordo Balliolensis). Edition auteur.1996. Dépôt Légal à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. BB A 1997 1921/N° DB 877263/ Robert Adelsohn BELS/Auteur/Editeur. Recueil de lois et des ordon­nances de l'Ordre de BAILLEUL. Sold out !

Note : A new version of this Statutory Document has been deposited in the Archives du Royaume de Belgique (Bibliothèque Royale), in Brussels, on Thrursday 30th May 2024.


10.  BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Essay on the Bels-Belle (Balliol) Dynasty (This is the third Version). Historical Work. Edition Auteur. Abt 256 pages in English and 20 pages in French. Format A4. Hard Cover. Dépot Légal du 23 nov 2012 au Magasin Bibliographique de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. Not longer available.


11. BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Essay on the Bels-Belle (Balliol) Dynasty. Historical Work. New Edition Auteur. Version 7 January 2020.  

Essay Part I for Public use. 393 pages.

Essay Part Ifor Private and Knighthood use only351 pages. (284 compressed)

Written in English and 20 pages in French. Format A4. Hard Cover. Essay Part I will be deposited ASAP au Magasin Bibliographique de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique (Bruxelles) and other Libraries.

Version May 2024.

Essay Part I and Part II (filtered) merged. Will be soon accessible to all public and deposited in the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles


The Essay (Draft version June 2014) has been personally handed over, on Tuesday 12 August 2014, to Prof. Roger Mason, Head of the Survey on "Scotland and the Flemish People" launched by the Institute of Scottish Historical Research at the University of St Andrews (Scotland) by the author Fra. Robert Adelsohn Bels accompanied by Fra. Jürgen Bels and Fra. Heiko Bels.


12.  BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis, edited several papers such as :

-  CODEX A  Recommandations au Chevalier - La Chevalerie. (Philosophie, Morale)

This Codex has been translated in German by Fra. Dr Enrico Paust. (Ordre du St. Sauveur du Mont-Réal). 

-  L´Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem based on Seigneur et Chevalier. (Historique)

- Constitution of the Ordo Balliolensis (Statuts - Document Statutaire - Règlement d´Ordre Intérieur- Manuel de Formation). Note : A new version of this Statutory Document has been deposited in the Archives du Royaume de Belgique (Bibliothèque Royale), in Brussels, on Thrursday 30th May 2024.

- Le Voyage Symbolique. Epreuves requises par l´Ecuyer pour son passage au titre de Chevalier.


13. BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. L´Ordo Balliolensis et les autres Ordres. Written in English and in French. Is in working state, contains a lot of pictures and counts presently over 100 pages.


14.  BELS-BELLE (Balliol) Dynasty. Private Archives. Généalogie des Belle-Balliol du XIe au XIVe siècles. 6 folios manuscrits reproduits sur feuilles de format A3. (Date unknown).


15. BELTZ Robert. Several works (from 1899-1913) focused on the archaeology of the Mecklenburg - Schwerin region. 

16.  VAN BELLE Jan. "de BELLEMAN". Nr 1 (Bruges Anno ....).


17. BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Echo Radar 347. Tome 1. (Science-Fiction work based upon the UFO happenings in the 1990-1992 in Belgium). In French. Has been deposited in the Archives du Royaume de Belgique (Bibliothèque Royale), in Brussels, on Thursday 30th May 2024.

17. BELS Robert Adelsohn.  Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Wrote in the following works from the author Fra. Roland Jean MAROTEAUX. Grand Commandeur des Chevaliers de France :

-  BALSA.  Etre Chevalier- Presence et Message ISBN 2-911503-14-7. 2005

-  Réflexions sur la Chevalerie Contemporaine.    ISBN 2-911503-18-4. 2010

-  Mémoire du Chevalier.                                               ISBN 2-911503-31-7  2017


18. BELS Robert Adelsohn. Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Wrote in the work of Chevalier Dr. Enrico PAUST and Squire Hans-Volker Karl, in 2018. ISSN 1246-5895. Info on the Ordre Equestre du St. Sauveur de Mont-Réal.  Grusswort des Grossmeisters des Ordo Balliolensis.

19. DUEZ Patrick.  Ex Knight Ordinis Balliolensis. Ex Herald.

Cours d´Héraldique (en Français, au 11 mai 2020) à l´usage des Chevaliers de l´Ordo Balliolensis.

Le Langage Héraldique.


20. P. Van BAELEN. Wapenkunde. (in Dutch).