INVESTITURE OSMTH in BELGIUM  Saturday 10th of June 2023


The Ordo Balliolensis sent his Magister Supremus and Frater Knight Yves Senden, to the Investiture of the OSMTH, on saturday 10 June 2023, in Belgium. upon invitation of the Grand Prior of Belgium, H.E. Frater Bernard Matagne.

The ceremony was enhanced by the presence of Senechal of the OSMTH. Monsignor Frater Walter Groenewegen from the OSMTH (NL), by the presence of H.E. Armand Moreau, Emeritus Grand Prior of Belgium OSNTH, of Frater Prof. Dr. Reinhard Latza, Prior of West Germany of the OSMTH (D) and by the presence of the Prior of Wallonnie, Frater Jean-Pierre Requer, OSMTH (B). Some 70 knights were present and four Squires were Knighted.