Temporary photos.
Additional photos will be added soon.
The Investiture took place in Germany on Saturday 3 October 2020.
The Ordo Balliolensis attended the Investiture with four Knights and one Observant (and Madame). The OB invited also the General Consul in Belgium of the Ordinis Balliolensis and Knight of the Order of St. Stanislas as well as a Frater and a Sister of the Ordre Equestre du St. Sauveur du Mont-Réal (B) and two errant Knights of the OSMTH (Autonomous Priory. B).
Some group pictures were removed from this site on demand of one single person because it appears on it. We remember people that if they do not wish to be put on our Website they have, in the first place, not to be present in the group we take pictures of.
Seems quite logic but does not seem to be evident for anybody.