MONACO. A small delegation of the Ordo Balliolensis was present at the Investiture of the Order of St. Stanislas in Monte Carlo and attended the subsequent Elite Club Gala Diner, in the Café de Paris.
The delegation was composed of the Magister Supremus, the Grand Prior of Germany, the Consul of the Order´s Consulat General in Belgium and a Knight Adjudant to the Grand Master.
S.E. Frater Thaddäus Freiherr von Lison. Grand Prior of Germany of the Order of St. Stanislas and Ambassador plenipotentiary of the Sovereign and Imperial House of Hohenstaufen.
Frater Herbert CLASS. Knight Order of St. Stanislas and Knight of Honour of the Ordo Balliolensis. Consul Général Honoraire de l´Ordo Balliolensis au Consulat Général de Belgique.
Picture above by courtesy of Fabian Otto. V.I.P. Photo-Videographer. Frankfurt am Main
Our Grand Prior of Germany, S.E. Fra. Heiko BELS, receives the Silver Star of the Order of St. Stanislas.