FUNERAL H.E Fra. MANFRED BIEWER former General Prior of Germany OSMTH in Merzig (Germany) on 16 March 2023
Fratres carissimi, sororibus carissimi,
Please be informed that the Ordo Balliolensis was represented on March 16, 2023, by our Magister Supremus, Mgr. Robert Adelsohn Bels, at the burial of His Excellency and dear Frater Manfred Biewer, former Grand Prior of Germany of the OSMTH, at the "Waldfriedhof" cemetery in Merzig, in the land of Saare (Germany).
Our Frater Robert A. Bels presented his wife, Sor. Iris Biewer, on her
behalf and on behalf of the Ordo Balliolensis, the customary condolences.
The Ordo Balliolensis has participated in all events organized by this Grand Priory for over 25 years. The late Fra.
Manfred was a very close friend of our Grand Master. Together they participated in dozens of investitures held all over Europe (Bucharest, Brussels, Coimbra, den Haag, Paris, Tholey,
etc.) and had an unbreakable friendship that only the last crusade could put an end to.
The following OSMTH knights, all German, were also present,
Fra. Berndt
Birkenbeil. Knight OSMTH (D).
Fra. Klaus Bronner. Prior and Chancellor OSMTH (D).
Fra. Dr. Volker c. Jacoby. OSMTH Officer (D).
Fra. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Latza. Prior OSMTH (D).
Fra. Rudy Louis. Magistral Visitor OSMTH (D).
After the burial, the participants were invited to the table of remembrance, where, as usual, the painful moments of separation were compensated by the evocation of pleasant memories.