Mgr. Messire Fra. Walter Groenewegen. GC (NL). (Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani), Vice-Grand Master of the OSMTH International and Vice Grand Master of the Association OSMTH-International.
Mgr. Messire Fra. Walter represented the 53d Grand Master (Magnus Magister - or - Magister Supremus) of the OSMTH International, SAR Mgr. Messire Fra. Jacques Dubos. GC, (Ch) prevented.
Mgr. Messire Fra. Robert Adelsohn Bels. GCOB, baronobis. Mag. Sup. Ordinis Balliolensis. Dr. h.c. (B).
H.E Messire Fra. Manfred Augustin. GC. Magnus Prior Magistralis EMC (AT).
Messire Fra. Dr. Enrico Paust, Freiherr von Liebstadt. Officialis Orator of the Magnus Priorat of Germany, of the OESSM*(D) *Ordre Equestre du Saint-Sauveur du Mont-Réal (F).
The new appointed authorities for the Magnus Priorat of Germany are:
H.E. Messire Fra. Cosmin Todorut. GC (D). Magnus Prior of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
Officialis GC. Messire Fra. Aloisius Bronner. GC (D). Constable of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
Officialis GC. Messire Fra. Rüdiger Louis. GC (D). Senechal of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
Messire Fra. Jakob Rattinger. Marshall of Magnus Priorat of Germany (AT). Solemnium Rituum Magister and Legatus to Austria of the Magnus Priorat of Germany. Honorary membrum Ordinis Balliolensis.
Eques Officialis, Messire Fra. Helmut Beckers. Thesaurarius of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
The new appointed Officialis Magnus Crux (GC) of the OSMTH:
Officer GC, Messire Fra. Sven Auriga. (D) Commendator St. Wendel (Germany).
Officialis GC, Messire Fra. Jens Nickel. (D). Cancellarius of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
New and/or confirmed in position:
Officialis GC, Messire Fra. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Latza. (D). Prior of West Germany. Legatus OSMTH Germany.
Eques, Messire Fra. Wolfgang Wimmer. (D). Referendarius pro tempore of the Magnus Priorat of Germany.
The new elected Magnus Prior of the Magnus Priorat of Germany of the OSMTH International. His Excellence, Messire Fra. Cosmin Todorut. Officialis Magnus Crux (GC).
Entry, under honorary escort, of the Vice-Grand Master of the OSMTH International. Mgr. Messire Fra. Walter Groenewegen (NL). Representing the Grand Master of the Order, His Serenissime Highness, Monseigneur Fra. Jacques Dubos (Ch).
H.E. Messire Fra. Dr. Robert Fazzio, GC, last appearance as Magnus Prior of the Magnus Priorat of Germany of the OSMTH International. Author of the helpful “Kompendium des Ritterorden der Templer von Jerusalem”. Anno 2002. His Excellence has been the successor of H.E. Messire Fra. Manfred Biewer +, GC.
Below, O.B. archive photo of H.E. Messire Fra. Dr. Robert Fazzio on his accession to the title, office and function of new Grand Prior of Germany, in Tholey, anno 2016.
Entrance of the new Grand Prior of Germany, H.E. Messire Fra. Cosmin Todorut. Election on October 19, 2024, in Augsburg. His Excellency is fluent in French, English, Romanian and German.
“Passage under the sword arch” (Hurdle of Honor) for Mag. Sup. O.B. Mgr. Robert Adelsohn Bels. Four knights, “Swords in the Clear” cross their swords to create an arch, under which the dignitary passes. This ritual, steeped in history, imbues the atmosphere with elegance, solemnity and respect for the dignitary's title, office and function.
Honoring the request of the new Grand Prior of Germany, SE. Messire Fra. Cosmin Todorut, Mgr. Fra. Robert Adelsohn Bels recalls the names of the nine founding Knights of the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem. As each name is mentioned, a commemorative candle is lit.
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